Sunday, February 22, 2009

Obama's Nuclear Umbrella

"Obama's atomic umbrella: U.S. nuclear strike if Iran nukes Israel," By Aluf Benn, Haaretz Correspondent

"Obama to offer Israel 'nuclear umbrella': report," by Dan Williams

A "well-placed American source" reported that Obama will offer Israel a nuclear umbrella against Iran; if Iran launches a nuclear strike against Israel, the US will retaliate with a "devastating nuclear response against Iran." The same source said this promise would be backed by an improved Israeli anti-ballistic missile system.

Obama has offered to negotiate with Iran and offer economic incentive to stop their nuclear program, but threatened to intensify sanctions if they refused the deal.

Military Intelligence reports that Iran has mastered the technology of uranium enrichment, giving them the capability to produce nuclear warheads. Iran denies its nuclear program has military ambitions.

Questions for the class:

Is the Harretz' source credible?

Should the US protect Israel?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Facebook Policy Change

Facebook has recently changed their terms of service for members.  Facebook’s new policy states that any material posted on the social networking site, is now owned by Facebook forever.  Facebook has asked its members for ideas on a FB Bill of Rights and Responsibilities, that it wants to create in response to member outrage.  This “bill” would replace the terms of use policy that FB already has.


In response to member’s disapproval, FB has added the original terms back to their site, while this “bill” is being put together. 


Quote from Chicagotribune “We apologize for the confusion around these issues," Facebook told its members on the site. "We never intended to claim ownership over people's content even though that's what it seems like to many people. This was a mistake and we apologize for the confusion." —Wailin Wong


What it means / Why it matters:  Whether or not you delete your FB account, FB can use anything you post on FB and claim it as their own.  Almost every college student today has a facebook account.

Quick Facts on FB:

Amount of Users on FB currently: 175 million

Founder: Mark Zuckerberg


Questions for the class:

Do you feel safe using Facebook?

Do you have any ideas for the FB “Bill of rights”?

Do you think that FB should be allowed to use anything you post on it’s website, forever?


Video Link:,0,4088613.story


Wednesday, February 18, 2009



Basically a 36 year old from Montreal got caught smuggling 1300 pounds of marijuana across the Canadian boarder into America. He claimed to have been transporting a load of paper towels but after an X-ray of the truck some suspiciously dense matter was seen under all the paper towels. upon further inspection the boarder patrol seized 1357 pounds of pot. this raised the questions of weather or not we should legalize marijuana due to the amount of money spent trying to enforce anti drug laws as well as the potential medical benefits, and is it appropriate for the government to be spending so much of the tax payers money to do so?

Other questions posed by the class were weather or not the 1936 marijuana tax imposed by Connecticut law enforcement worked and why are people so attached to this drug?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Religion vs. Darwinism

Question: Should we teach creationism in schools as a science? Should we not teach evolution? etc...


Research and Statistics:

Friday, February 13, 2009


Cnn Article

Slashfood Article


question: are parents today to involved in there kids lives, and what effects could this have on the future.
Inauguration as covered by Jon Stewart

Fox news coverage of Bush leaving

C-span coverage.

Question: How do different news sources cover the same piece of news?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Windows 7

This is the blog for my news of the day on Windows 7.

Article 1

Article 2



Question: Do you think Windows 7 will fail to sell like Windows Vista did?