Thursday, April 16, 2009

Severe Space Weather

First Website: NASA website

Second Website: Astronomy (magazine) website

Originally found the article on NASA's website. It's the official website so it is credible and it is purely scientific investigation so it cannot be affect by bias related to its political ties. Other sources were reporting on NASA's findings.

The article discusses the issues which an extreme geomagnetic storm could cause here on Earth. These storms are caused by "super solar flares" and have effects similar to that of an electro-magnetic pulse (EMP). The ground currents induced by one of these storms would disrupt all types of electronics but most severly those associated with the power grid. This is because the currents could be strong enough to melt the copper windings of transformers found in most power distribution centers. This is further worsened by how interconnected the power grid is here in the United States, meaning a storm could disrupt electricity for vast areas of the country. One is example is the 1989 sotrm which left six million people without power in Quebec for nine hours.

I thought this story would be significant for the class because severe geomagnetic storms could cause many problems (trickle-down from lack of electricity/electronics) and we should understand what they are capable of in case we ever experience one.

1. What would you be most worried about if a severe storm occured?
2. What would you do without electricity/electronics?


  1. If something crazy like this happened, and there was no electricity in an area because of some EM field or something like that for the foreseeable future, I would move to an area that had electricity without a second thought. I love computers, video games, tv, etc... Couldn't live without 'em.

  2. I think this would be a very interesting change on society. We have all grown accustomed to the benefits of electricity, and I bet a lot of people wouldn't be able to survive without it. Although technically a commodity, lack electricity would create a severe reaction within society leading to crime.

  3. it would be great without electricity. all the fat americans would have to walk places, people would eat better, work more efficiently, and feel better about themselves at the end of the day.
