Thursday, March 26, 2009

Obama Lifts Ban on Stem Cell Research

New York Times:


President Obama announced that he will be lifting the ban on stem cell research that Bush created in 2001. Scientist will now have money to further their research. Obama doesn't want anything to happen with cloning, but he is acknowledging that stem cells could help the world.

Questions: Do you think it was good that Obama lived said ban? and What is your stance on stem cell research?


  1. i think stem cell research helps alot of people that need the assistance although unless we know all of the facts then it is hard to really have a stand.

  2. Honestly I never understood why there was a ban in the first place. The stem cells that weren't being used were just being thrown away. Why waste something when it can be used for a good cause?

  3. Obama's the man. Stem cell research is gonna save a lot of people in the future. Oh, and as for the "living humans" that we are killing to get stem cells, you can't miss what you never had, can you?

  4. I feel the potential rewards of stem research more than make up for the controversial aspects of it.

  5. I agree that the positive aspects of this research far outweigh the negative consequences. People are worried that there will be more unnecessary abortions to support this, but this should be made illegal and monitored. If they were going to be "thrown away" anyway, why should they not be studied?
